Bernie i ny viral video

Efter hyllade kampanjannonsen ”America” har det dykt upp en ny video som nu sprids som en löpeld i sociala medier.

”Together” är skapad av en New York-baserad reklambyrå, men det är oklart om Sanders beställt den eller inte. Videon finns inte på Bernies egen YouTube-kanal som hans andra annonser.

The spot was produced by New York ad agency Human, which seeks to ”advance humanity through stroytelling,” according to its website. ”Human creates stories and experiences which transform the way our audiences see themselves and the world around them.”

When the agency first shared the video on its Facebook page Monday, it positioned the spot as ”a film about the idea of togetherness.”

”Regardless of your political convictions, America should work for all of us,” the post continued, closing with the hashtag #VoteTogether. A website at offers additional images and clips designed for sharing on social media.

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