Även om Bill Ayers skrev en hel del på sin blogg om allt möjligt under valet höll han sig borta från sånt som direkt handlade om Obama. Nu talar han ut i artikeln ”What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been – Looking back on a surreal campaign season” som börjar så här…
Whew! What was all that mess? I’m still in a daze, sorting it all out, decompressing.
Pass the Vitamin C.
For the past few years, I have gone about my business, hanging out with my kids and, now, my grandchildren, taking care of our elders (they moved in as the kids moved out), going to work, teaching and writing. And every day, I participate in the never-ending effort to build a powerful and irresistible movement for peace and social justice.
Han skriver också:
During the primary, the blogosphere was full of chatter about my relationship with President-elect Barack Obama. We had served together on the board of the Woods Foundation and knew one another as neighbors in Chicago’s Hyde Park. In 1996, at a coffee gathering that my wife, Bernardine Dohrn, and I held for him, I made a donation to his campaign for the Illinois State Senate.
Obama’s political rivals and enemies thought they saw an opportunity to deepen a dishonest perception that he is somehow un-American, alien, linked to radical ideas, a closet terrorist who sympathizes with extremism—and they pounced.
On the campaign trail, McCain immediately got on message. I became a prop, a cartoon character created to be pummeled.
When Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin got hold of it, the attack went viral. At a now-famous Oct. 4 rally, she said Obama was “pallin’ around with terrorists.” (I pictured us sharing a milkshake with two straws.)
The crowd began chanting, “Kill him!” “Kill him!” It was downhill from there.
My voicemail filled up with hate messages. They were mostly from men, all venting and sweating and breathing heavily. A few threats: “Watch out!” and “You deserve to be shot.” And some e-mails, like this one I got from satan@hell.com: “I’m coming to get you and when I do, I’ll water-board you.”
In a robust and sophisticated democracy, political leaders—and all of us—ought to seek ways to talk with many people who hold dissenting, or even radical, ideas. Lacking that simple and yet essential capacity to question authority, we might still be burning witches and enslaving our fellow human beings today.
[tags]usa, presidentvalet, barack obama, bill ayers[/tags]
jasså, den gamle terroristen har gått ut med gamla på promenad och tagit hand om sina affärer och barnbarnen. Gulligt. Han ska vara glad att han är i stånd till att göra detta. Kanske borde han skakat galler istället.
De båda har suttit i samma styrelse där de jobbat tätt ihop. De är som av en händelse grannar, och Bill Ayers har donerat pengar till Obamas kampanj.
Bill Ayers sa för några år sen att han ångrar att han inte åstadkom (skada) mer i sin terrorgärning …
Om detta hade gällt McCain så hade media skinnflått och nackat honom.