En ny opinionsundersökning av USA Today visar att Hillary Clinton drar ifrån. Hon har nu 19% ledning över Obama.
Clinton 40
Obama 21
Gore 14
Edwards 13
Richardson 4
Clark 1
Dodd 1
Biden 1
Giuliani leder också stort bland republikanernas presidentkandidater:
Giuliani 40
McCain 24
Gingrich 9
Romney 5
Brownback 3
Gilmore 2
Thompson 2
Huckabee 2
Hunter 1
Tancredo 1
Pataki 1
Hagel 1
Intressant läsning också om man kollar några specialfrågor:
”More than four in 10 say they wouldn’t vote for a ”generally well-qualified person” for president who was 72 years old — the age McCain will reach in August 2008. Three in 10 say they wouldn’t vote for someone who had been married three times, as has Giuliani.
In contrast, just 11% rule out voting for a woman and 5% for a black.”
[tags]usa, hillary clinton[/tags]
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