Hillary Clintons rådgivare och Bill Clinton tror att Mitt Romney vinner eftersom han leder i viktiga delstaterna Iowa och New Hampshire. Ledningen där har dock minskat under senare tid.
Nationellt fightas han om tredjeplatsen med John McCain.
Bill Clinton om Romney:
In the interview, Mr. Clinton also analyzed the Republican nomination fight. He said “the real question” in that race was whether former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts would maintain his lead in opinion polls in Iowa and New Hampshire through New Year’s Day.
“If he does, but he doesn’t move to second in the national polls, then the whole thing is going to be determined, in my opinion, by whether Iowa and New Hampshire voters stick with him from New Year’s Day through voting,” Mr. Clinton said.
Several of Mrs. Clinton’s advisers have said in interviews with The Times that they believe at this point that Mr. Romney will be the Republican nominee. NYTimes
Romney har mest pengar av republikanerna och verkar lägga slantarna på Iowa och New Hampshire. Det blir spännande att se om han lyckas med denna strategi.
[tags]mitt romney, usa, hillary clinton, bill clinton, new hampshire, iowa[/tags]