I en längre intervju som publiceras i New York Times under lördagen berättar Elon Musk bland annat vad han tycker om Barack Obama, Donald Trump och Joe Biden.
“I just haven’t had much interaction with Biden,” he said. “I talked to Obama much more than Biden.” He notes that he was such a fervent Obama supporter that he once waited in line for six hours to shake Obama’s hand when he was running, adding, “the poor guy was so tired at the end of the night.” Mr. Musk continued, “Obama was great.
Biden, I just don’t know. It’s hard to see through the noise. But is he — are all his mental faculties there or not? I can’t quite tell. It would be helpful to see him in a debate scenario or something like that. Does he have his stuff together or not? I can’t tell.”
Och Trump?
The president has called Mr. Musk “one of our great geniuses,” likening him to Thomas Edison.
Does he blanch at being clasped in the MAGA embrace?
“I’ll take the compliment,” said Mr. Musk
Som Teslachef är han så klart tydligt emot Trumps miljöpolitik. Musk hoppade av ett Business Advisory Council som startades av Trump när presidenten meddelade att USA avslutade Paris Agreement.
Frun Grimes är Bernie Sanders supporter, medan Musk allmänt brukar betraktas som libertarian.