Obama får stöd av konkurrenten Kucinich


Obama får nu stöd av konkurrenten Dennis Kucinich i det hyperviktiga första caucus-valet som hålls i Iowa på torsdag den 3 januari. Kucinich lär inte få 15 % stöd i någon valkrets och då tvingas anhängarna välja en ny kandidat i denna omständiga valprocedur. I opinionsmätningarna ligger Kucinich bara på 1-2 procent. Kucinich uppmanar nu sina anhängare att välja Obama.

För fyra år sedan uppmanade Kucinich sina anhängare att rösta på Edwards. Det anses ha gett Edwards någon eller några procentenheters extra stöd, vilket kan visa sig vara avgörande. Det är nämligen väldigt jämnt mellan Clinton, Obama och Edwards. Skulle Edwards otippat vinna i Iowa vänder det upp och ner på alla tidigare tips.

DES MOINES, IA – Democratic Presidential candidate and Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich opened the New Year by publicly asking his Iowa supporters to vote for him in the caucuses this Thursday, and suggesting that if he did not make the 15% threshold, their second ballot should be for Senator Barack Obama. ”This is obviously an ’Iowa-only’ recommendation, as Sen. Obama and I are competing in the New Hampshire primary next Tuesday where I want to be the first choice of New Hampshire voters.

”I hope Iowans will caucus for me as their first choice this Thursday, because of my singular positions on the war, on health care, and trade. This is an opportunity for people to stand up for themselves. But in those caucus locations where my support doesn’t reach the necessary threshold, I strongly encourage all of my supporters to make Barack Obama their second choice. Sen. Obama and I have one thing in common: Change.”

UPDATE: Obama responds:

”I have a lot of respect for Congressman Kucinich, and I’m honored that he has done this because we both believe deeply in the need for fundamental change,” said Senator Obama. “He and I have been fighting for a number of the same priorities — including an end to the war in Iraq that we both opposed from the start, reforming Washington and creating a better life for America’s working families. I encourage all Iowans to take part in the caucuses this Thursday – not because it will be good for any one candidate, but because it will be good for our party and the future of our country.”

Frågan är om anhängarna kommer lyda. Kanske, men jag tror många av Kucinich anhängare gillar Edwards mer egentligen.

DN skriver om primärvalet i Iowa

[tags]usa, barack obama, dennis kucinich, iowa[/tags]

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