Skattepolitiken har kommit i fokus i samband med ”rörmokaren Joe” som ju frågade Obama om skatter. Oberoende Tax Policy Center har gjort en jämförelse mellan McCain och Obamas förslag när det gäller just skatter.
Får man lägst skatt med McCain eller Obama som president? Det beror kanske inte helt oväntat på vilken inkomst man har.
Jake Tapper på ABC går igenom resultatet inkomstgrupp för inkomstgrupp:
If you make up to $18,725, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., will give you a tax cut of $65, while Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., will give you a tax cut of $567.
If you’re in the second tax quintile, earning between $18,725 and about $37,000 a year, McCain will give you a $259 tax cut, Obama will give you a $892 tax cut.
If you’re in the third quintile, earning between about $37,000 and almost $66,000, McCain will give you a $608 tax cut, Obama will give you a $1,118 tax cut.
If you’re in the fourth quintile, making between almost $66,000 and about $110,000, McCain gives you a $1,487 tax cut, Obama will give you a $1,264 tax cut.
If you’re in the top quintile, making above $110,000, McCain will give you a tax cut of $12,144 while Obama will raise your taxes $4,600 more. (To suss this out a little more — the Obama campaign says it will not raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000, or couples making less than $250,000.)
Here’s where the starkest differences come in. If you’re in the top 1 percent of wage-earners, making from about $602,000 to around $2.8 million, McCain gives you a $109,214 tax cut on average, while Obama raises your taxes on average by $121,689.
If you’re in the top 0.1 percent, making $2.9 million a year or more, McCain gives you a $577,148 tax cut, Obama raises your taxes $699,872.
Direktlänk till Tax Policy Centers pdf-fil.
[tags]usa, presidentvalet, barack obama, john mccain, skatter, skatt, skatteförslag, usa-valet, obama, mccain[/tags], svd, svd
Det kanske bör förtydligas att amerikaner inte betalar federal inkomstskatt på inkomster under $40 000 per år (annat än stämpelavgifter). Därför rör sig alltså dessa förändringar mestadels om marginalskatter och arbetsgivaravgifter som har en direkt relation till låginkomsttagare.