Obamafilmen kommer i höst

Dokumentären om Obamas presidentvalskampanj ”By the People: The Election of Barack Obama” kommer att sändas på HBO den 3 november. Filmen har gjorts av bland annat skådespelaren Edward Norton.

Variety har sett den:

The project is the brainchild of Rice, who started shooting Obama on May 11, 2006, and stopped on June 28, 2009. She described a process of constantly pressing for access, with the threshold higher as Obama headed toward Election Day.

There are candid moments in ”By the People”: access to Michelle Obama at home with Malia and Sasha, interviews with Obama’s sister and brother in law in Hawaii, an audio interview with his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who describes the child Obama as a ”normal boy” who ”wanted to be a big-time basketball player.” But there is nothing that could possibly be embarrassing about it. Obama and, by and large his staffers, are largely calm, cool and collected in their private moments.

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