Ny opinionsmätning från Washington Post / ABC News:
Former Govs. Mike Huckabee (Ark.), Sarah Palin (Alaska) and Mitt Romney (Mass.) make up the top tier of the 2012 Republican presidential field, according to a new poll from the Washington Post and ABC News.
Huckabee took 21 percent of the vote while Palin received 19 percent and Romney 17 percent among Republicans and GOP-leaning independents. No other potential candidate made it into double digits, although former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received 9 percent and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie took 8 percent. The rest of the field received 3 percent or less support.
Palin har något svagare stöd i WSJ och NBC:s undersökning. Men det är jämnt och mycket kommer att hända innan det här är avgjort.
Mitt Romney – 19
Mike Huckabee – 18
Sarah Palin – 14
Newt Gingrich – 10
Se vår presentation av republikanernas kandidater 2012.