Efter att Gingrich fått stöd av Union Leader kan man lukta sig till lite panik bland republikaner som verkligen inte vill se honom som partiets kandidat. En av dessa är uppenbarligen fd kongressledamoten och numera tv-värden Joe Scarborough. I morse sa han:
”I’ll tell you what’s wrong with American politics today.
It’s the fact that if you took Mitt Romney’s statements and positions over the past 20 years, and you took Newt Gingrich’s, and you took Jon Huntsman’s, and you just read them — all of their statements, all of their flip-flops…. there’s no doubt that last guy right there has the most consistent, conservative record on pro-life, on pro-guns, on immigration, on spending.
And, by the way, people are saying ’Boy, you really are going out of your way to support Jon Huntsman”, no, I’m just stating the facts. I’m just talking about the record.
The fact is, of all the candidates in the race right now, there’s only one that has supported Paul Ryan’s budget plan in total, his medicare plan in total.”
Huntsman är mer konservativ än sitt rykte. Han har dock lyckats dåligt med att sprida den bilden. Tiden som ambassadör i Kina under Obama har diskvalificerat honom i många republikaners ögon. Och i vissa frågor måste han trots allt beskrivas som moderat.