Svensk kändiskock till Vita Huset

Marcus Samuelsson från restaurangen Aquavit i New York har fått äran att laga mat då Indiens premiärminister besöker President Obama i Vita Huset den 24 november.

The White House has invited chef Marcus Samuelsson to cook the state dinner honoring Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on November 24. Samuelsson, of the highly regarded Aquavit in New York City, will be working with White House Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford, according to sources in the food world.

Samuelsson is the most prominent American chef of African descent today. He was born in Ethiopia and adopted by a Swedish couple who raised him in Sweden; he is now a naturalized American citizen.

Though Aquavit serves Swedish food, Samuelsson is well-versed in American cuisine; the title of his latest book is “New American Table.” But one source says the state dinner will feature global cuisine, possibly including a curry dish. The Prime Minister is described as an abstemious vegetarian.

[tags]usa, barack obama, marcus samuelsson[/tags] DN om Obamas Oslobesök

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