Trött på alla kampanjannonser? Då kommer du gilla den här annonsen!

MotherJones skriver så här om annonsen:

Since June 1, more than 900,000 election ads have run on cable and broadcast television. So it’s no wonder that residents of battleground states are probably marking off the days until their TVs will all switch back to showing the usual car, soda, and fast food commercials. One group, however, isn’t interested in waiting that long: unPAC, which has previously brought us such treats as super-PAC-themed Pac-Man, is raising money to air a one-minute silent ad in the attack ad-saturated swing state of Ohio.

Syftet med annonsen och organisationen är att övertyga väljare och politiker att ”we won’t stand by idly while our democracy is bought.”

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