Donald Trump var registrerad som lobbyist 2006 i Rhode Island. Då försökte han få tillstånd för ett kasino enligt Politico.
The businessman was registered to lobby on behalf of Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings, the casino operator in which he was then a minority shareholder, and received $4,000 per month for the work, according to state records.
At the time, Trump was promoting a proposed casino in the town of Johnston, according to a brief item in the April 25, 2006, edition of the Providence Journal.
The journal reported, “One of Trump’s operatives filed an application and paid the $5 registration fee that entitles him to walk the State House corridors, with a lobbyist badge on his jacket.”
Det blev aldrig något kasino.
Både Clinton och Trump har anlitat ett flertal fd lobbyister för sina presidentkampanjer.